Debbie Frank’s Enlightened Astrology video program
In an exclusive collaboration with Learning Strategies, master astrologer and life healer Debbie Frank will help you explore your life from the astrological perspective, looking at influences from the time of your birth through today and beyond.
Debbie’s unique form of psychological, spiritual, and healing wisdom has evolved from decades of training, client work, writing, and teaching. Her warm and witty style shines in the 20 90-minute video sessions of the Enlightened Astrology course. You will experience her penetrating perception and insights with instant access to her mastery.
Enlightened Astrology is presented in five phases, each with four easy-to-follow sessions:
- Phase 1: Discover the Four Corners of Your Destiny
- Phase 2: Make Your Soul Contracts Work
- Phase 3: Transform Conflicts into Collaboration
- Phase 4: The Law of Attraction
- Phase 5: Written in the Stars
To receive full benefit from the course, you will be given your own birth chart to use as you go through each session. You can also receive a second chart of a person of your choosing. When you order your course, you will receive instructions on how to receive your two personal charts. Your birth chart will be created using the same software that Debbie uses for her personal clients.