You can receive free birth charts and discover the meaning of them with my new book What’s Your Soul Sign.
You can receive free birth charts and discover the meaning of them with my new book What’s Your Soul Sign.
If birth time is approximate use this, or click the unknown box. In the U.S. and in most of Europe, birth times are normally recorded on the birth certificate. If you reside in the UK, it’s worth knowing that Scotland records birth times on the birth certificate. For the rest of the UK, your birth time is recorded only if you are a twin. In that case, check with members of the family, baby book, or contact hospital records.
Once you have entered your birth time, enter your birth city or town and country or state in the US.
Your chart will be generated automatically on the screen. This is a diagram of your birth chart with the sign positions of planets and points listed, followed by your aspects below. Discover what your birth chart means with my book ‘What’s Your Soul Sign’.
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