Weekly Horoscopes for: 12-18 May 2024


You’re good at making snap decisions which is just as well given that the Sun meets with quick-fire Uranus on Monday requiring lightning speed.  You very quickly get hold of the right thing to do in any situation and even though pushback could emerge at the end of the week your eyes are trained on all that is positive.



At this point in time you’re ready for anything…..   playing host to both maverick Uranus and expansive Jupiter has initiated you into the capacity to deal with the ‘law of impermanence’.  Mercury will join the throng in Taurus midweek which includes the Sun and Venus.  Think back to 2000 which was the last era of a 5 planet build up in your sign – does it ring any bells?  This is a period of immense change and growth.  It’s a most definitely a wow-factor.



You are two weeks away from Jupiter’s arrival into Gemini on the 25th which will mark a full year of personal growth and expansion.  You can feel the whispers as if you are waiting in the wings and the air of excitement is palpable.  Watch the scenery being moved around this week – ready for your new cycle to begin.



You’re likely to witness movement around friends and colleagues during this week which propels change into your circles, networks and alliances.   Unsettling as it is to be looking at a revolving door it’s time to bring new people into your mix and receive some fresh energy.  In those pincers of yours comes a different ‘meet and greet’ a chance to enhance the scope of what’s possible in your life.



You’re crossing some kind of threshold into the unknown.   Maybe as the instigator or as the recipient of change but going backwards is not an option.  Think creatively and be open to the new, even what is termed ‘the unloved life’ as both Jupiter and Uranus are offering you fresh choices and chances which are both unsettling and exciting.



Being on a roller-coaster may not be your idea of a good time.  However you find yourself in an ever changing landscape perhaps with a lurch in your stomach at the unexpected!  Sticking with the old routine is no longer an option as you’re being pushed to do more or even something completely different.  There is only one way to go there.   With an open mind…..



In many ways you may find yourself scrambling to keep up with a sudden change of pace or direction as the current cosmic climate is designed to keep you outside of your comfort zone and exploring different possibilities.  You’ll get to see what’s opening up financially and could discover a way to turn a corner.  The important thing is to believe this is all happening for the best.



Get ready to alter course as a line up of 5 planets in your zone of relationship implies a lot is happening between yourself and others which is both unexpected and some kind of blessing.  Uranus is always a radical player but perhaps it’s time to change an old pattern and allow yourself the freedom to interact in a way that moves things forward.



Whatever comes up for you this week is likely to instil exponential change into anything which has become stale or routine in your life.  Your expansive ruling planet Jupiter meets with the Sun and game-changing Uranus is also centre stage moving things in way you would never have anticipated.   Rising to the challenge might be a lot of fun – keep your spirits high.



You could be having an epiphany moment this week which sets you out on a brand new course.  Part of this stems from getting involved in activities which provide a sense of joy or a new lease of life.  Of course you’d like more and if you’re a typical Capricorn you will strategise new ways to make that happen.   Meanwhile enjoy living more spontaneously and remain open to experiencing a new frequency.



You like nothing more than a little experimentation which infuses your life with the new, delightful and the different.  As a mentally creative soul you remain open to change and new options even if others in your midst are more closed down.  So it is that week’s explosion of unusual activity stirs up your wanderlust and free spirit.  Life is for living after all.



The mind is like a parachute…. it works best when open!   So you’re finding yourself in the midst of new vistas, conversations and plans that you may never have thought possible only a short while ago.  Whilst you trust your gut instincts enough to recognise when something is a no-no, you’re being pulled towards those perspectives which offer immense opportunity and even a learning curve.




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