Monthly Horoscopes for: September 2024
Mars at the base camp marker of your chart from the 4th suggests you’re super-busy on the home front, in your personal life and/or putting energy into the family. We enter eclipse season on the 18th the the Pisces Full Moon positioned close to Neptune asking you to clarify what really matters or to let go of anything that drains you. Autumn Equinox brings the Sun to relationships and as a further eclipse is due here on October 2nd it would be good to get your ducks in a row before the end of the month.
September alters your priorities in all sorts of ways and the eclipsed Full Moon on the 18th suggests some creative inspiration will make the difference between living a meaningful life or going through the motions. In other words seeing things through the eyes of your soul can be more valuable than any amount of linear thinking. Tap into the richness your being, the gifts that make you truly YOU and drop all the old story-lines about what you can and cannot do.
Pluto’s transition back to the area of your chart which is connected to joint finances, assets and deeply held ties requires you to re-visit what has been a major storyline in your life since 2008 and lay things to rest once and for all. Whilst you have an enormous amount of motivation to make things happen by yourself, anything to do with shared resources needs to be clarified. the eclipsed Full Moon on the 18th in the most personal zone of your chart enables you to let go of something that held you on the spot. It’s time to allow the magic to happen.
As the action planet Mars visits Cancer from the 4th, September is not a time to rest on your laurels but to put yourself out there. You’re able to assert yourself in ways that end doubt and prevarication. The eclipsed Full Moon on the 18th positioned so close to the soul planet Neptune inspires you think beyond limitation and to let go of what’s blocked you from allowing your inspiration to come to fruition. The 29th is an important day for discussions and decisions.
As Mars acts as a whispering angel from its position in your soulful 12th house you need to listen to guidance, intuition and synchronicities that are beyond rational thought. Especially around the time of the lunar eclipse on the 18th when Neptune’s special effects are in evidence. If you feel an urge to expand your mental or physical horizons now is the time to pay attention to that blue sky thinking. From the 22nd all manner of interesting ideas pop up.
September is bound to be a month when you are facing up to reality. Although you pride yourself on being a details person it could be that wishful thinking has created an element of chaos or let-down and now is the time to get straight on how to tackle those things that have slipped through the net. Mercury returns to Virgo on the 9th after August’s backtrack sharpening your thoughts and preparing you for the lunar eclipse in the relationship angle of your chart on the 18th which flags up whether it is best to let go or hold on.
As the Sun moves through Virgo you’re in a reflective mood yet turning a sunny face to the world as Venus graces your sign. Her presence draws people to you and gives you a glow-up. Meanwhile you can do the inner work of letting go of all the ghosts in your life as the lunar eclipse enables you to fade out the past in favour of living in the present. The 15th holds potential delights and once the Autumn Equinox on the 22nd triggers Libra season you’re bolder and brighter.
September’s pathways open up interesting possibilities and a chance to re-position yourself. Take a look back at the period between 2008 and now as Pluto gives you 2.5 months to finish that old cycle. You’re ready to move on and elevate to a new level of creative inspiration. Venus arrives into Scorpio on the 23rd for a four week boost to your attraction factor. Make the most of it by allowing new energies into your field.
September’s game-changing aspects come in the form of Pluto’s backtrack to the financial area of your chart where you can check into your own special gifts and true value whilst transforming your whole attitude to money, Whilst Mars traverses the zone of shared resources someone else is likely to play a key role here especially on the 12th when significant discussions take place. Give the lunar eclipse on the 18th a wide berth before making an rash decisions and engage with the final 10 days of the month with an openness to being part of a wider group, team or circle.
As the powerful planet Pluto re-enters your sign for its final 2.5 month sojourn you are likely to be casting your mind back to its full cycle of residency with you which began in 2008. What a time! Most Capricorns have experienced a extraordinary deepening of awareness which goes beyond the purely practical as this life transforming planet touches many levels, not just the visible. Do you feel like a different person? Now is the time to make those tweaks which reflect how you want to live going forward. The lunar eclipse on the 18th is the perfect moment to tune into what needs to be let go of in order for you to embark on a voyage of discovery.
September is a clean-up period for matters to do with your resources – both financial and emotional. This could be a time to finesse all your arrangements, contracts and ‘givens’ so that you are receiving your full share. As Mars accents getting down to work you’re busy sorting everything out. Whilst the lunar eclipse on the 18th throws up any gap between fantasy and reality you need to be as clear-eyed as possible. Making those strong innovations for which you are famous and moving into Libra season at Autumn Equinox ready to embrace new journeys.
September begins to flag up a theme which will be evident over the next 2.5 years. The Pisces lunar eclipse on September 18th is the first in a series occupying your own sign and your opposite sign of Virgo. The last time this cycle was in action was 2006 through to early 2008 so take a look back at the decisions and events of that period. For now, as Saturn and Neptune remain resident with you it’s all about treading that line between the mundane and the magic – so that you can touch into both without losing yourself in either. Relationships are the catalysing force for revelation.