Monthly Horoscopes for: January 2025


This is a month to hold your fire as your feisty ruler Mars is back-tracking through the heavens.  Stop, consider and go within rather than launching in as you are dealing with a picture of change and you need to know more information before making moves.  The Full Moon on the 13th helps you connect with what’s right for you.  January 19th, 21st and 29th are potent dates for achieving closure on the past and helping you find your people.  



In many ways you’re going over old ground, reconnecting with past projects and plans and re-thinking your strategies for 2025.  Take your time as Mars is retrograde and therefore you’re dealing with a lot of moving parts and reconsidering what lights your fire.  The period between the 19th and 21st should  be definitive for you kissing goodbye to something that isn’t meant to be in your life or possibly firm up what is.   Your inner passion is guiding you Ito live your truth n the second half of the month.



You’ve most probably got your calculator out whilst Mars is retrograding through the financial area of your chart and also re-thinking what you value most in life.  As Venus and Saturn join forces at the top of your chart on the 19th you need to be clear-eyed about what you’re taking on at this time and what must be left behind.  Take that vital decision.  New adventures await that will begin to call you from the 21st onwards – your world and your life are expanding beyond what you thought possible.



January most certainly has your name on it as Mars retrogrades through your sign from the 6th onwards and an especially potent Full Moon in Cancer occurs on the 13th.  Relationships are to the fore and you seem to be covering old ground, perhaps reconnecting to people from the past or laying some ghosts to rest.  Pluto’s signature intensifies things on the 21st and 29th.  If you are setting the seal on how you want to conduct the financial and/or intimate side of relationships this is the moment to only go where you have complete trust and transparency.



January is the time to prepare yourself for a new era.  There are bound to be some flashpoints – the first of which could occur as early as the 3rd when you need to retrieve your power.   Mars will be dredging up the past from the 6th and you have plenty of time to examine what’s been going on and what needs clearing up, not to mention where you stand currently with those who have a significant bearing on your working and personal life.  It’s time to face the music but most importantly dance to your own tune.



As the South Node of fate and destiny moves into your sign from January 11th for an 18 month period you need to look at your karma, your unfinished business and literally clean up your act of anything which is less than pristine and pure in your life.  Mars is also in reverse putting you back in touch with people you’ve connected to or worked with in the past.  Are you ready to ‘go back there’ or draw a line?  The 19th is commitment day when Venus and Saturn align in your relationship zone – a time to look at responsibilities and obligations.  



A huge emphasis on where you’re going in life, the way forward and your priorities means you’ll be spending a lot of this month contemplating various strategies and alternatives.  Being stable at your core is another priority.  January is a month where the past converges on your future.  How much of it you want to take with you is a choice for you to make.  As activity in the zone of your chart associated with life’s joys flags up those things that light your passion you’re not prepared to accept second best.



Are you ready for a complete overhaul?  January comes in with the removal vans for all your excess baggage and unfinished business.  You’re looking at new horizons, invitations and adventures which open you up to a brand new future.  As a Scorpio you’ll feel the intense energy of Pluto scraping away that which has kept you stuck, revealing signs of new life underneath.  It is nothing short of a re-birth,.



Are you in the mood to settle a few old scores – and if so by applying Pluto’s truth serum to a situation which requires that kind of intervention.  Whilst you get on with the business of establishing a viable strategy for the give and take of relationships both financially and personally, there’s a sense that you’re shoring up your security and getting ready to be involved in some fascinating plans and projects.



When the Sun is flourishing in your own sign you have the upper hand even if Mars is opposing you.  So remember most things can be resolved by diplomacy even at a Full Moon in Cancer (13th) when people are bound to be wearing their hearts on their sleeve.  Apply your practical common sense on the 19th when the voice of reason speaks loudest and later in the month minimising drama will be your most obvious super-power.



January is shaping up to be the most intense month of the year so 2025 already has a major signature of decision making!  Whilst you tackle the back-log of Mars in retrograde you’re also clearing a pathway for anything that is blocking your progress and your zeal and determination is coming across as a force of nature!  Whilst the 3rd could be tricky, events around the 21st and 29th are set to reveal your deepest truth both to yourself and to anyone else who hasn’t got the message.



From the 3rd Venus in Pisces helps to add a little lustre to your life, even if some people don’t get the memo!  Immersing yourself in all you truly love and enjoy is the theme for the Full Moon on the 13th.   As Venus joins with Saturn in your sign on the 19th a more serious matter emerges – perhaps a decision, a responsibility or a commitment of a yes or no variety.  No coasting along!  Later in the month Pluto is intensifying the atmosphere and you’re picking up how others truly feel.


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