Monthly Horoscopes for: May 2024


Many shoots of growth are suddenly sprouting, some in the most unexpected places!   Financially this is a time of enterprise but also surprise and you might be on the receiving end of the latter.   Take a look at where you can move things up and walk away from anything that’s not feeding your self-esteem and overall sense of prosperity.  This is all about taking advantage of opportunities that will enhance your position, especially on the 8th, 18th and 23rd.  On the 25th Jupiter arrives in the ‘think tank’ sector of your skies so lots of new ideas will be in development over the coming 12 months.



You’re on a rollercoaster in May which is most definitely going to take you somewhere exciting, unexpected and ultimately good. Of course, Taurus is a sign that doesn’t enjoy change, especially if it’s thrust upon you.   However, perhaps the universe is just giving you a nudge that will enhance your life – even if it propels you out of what you consider to be your comfort zone.  The Taurus New Moon on the 8th is your optimum time to take the reins and initiate a path of action which is along the lines of what you want and desire.  Then you need to be non-attached to the outcome, but ready to swoop on opportunities as they arise.  Some of which are extraordinarily wonderful!



So much is swirling around you in the first three weeks of May.  You definitely have a case of the ‘glimmers’ yet they remain slightly out of reach, just hovering as a sign of hope.  You also notice those things that are not meant to be in your life simply disappear without warning.  It’s called space clearing!   On the 20th Gemini season begins and you delight in the inner sunshine, then Venus follows suit on the 23rd.  Last but not least, in fact the best of all cosmic news is the arrival of Jupiter, planet of abundance into Gemini on the 25th where he will remain for the next 12 months.   Much is going to turn in your favour…



You may experience a sharp contrast between those who are truly a supportive, uplifting presence in your life and those whom you feel you’ve outgrown, or are on other paths.  Although you love to keep people close, you recognise there’s no point holding onto the past for the sake of it.  Creating some space in your network, friendship group or team would make it a happier place and enable you to savour those strong bonds you have.   Besides, new people are appearing, ideas are growing and there are new directions to follow.   From the 25th you’re experiencing a greater connection with the mystical side of life.  Watch and listen for your guardian angel and team in spirit  to drop some messages, signs and signals.



A New Moon on your midheaven, the top spot in your chart on the 8th suggests new directions are opening up.  Then between the 13th and 23rd you’ll experience the sudden twists and turns that reveal what you hadn’t anticipated.  Some of what occurs is a wake-up call that plunges you into an about turn or change.   Other events are so life-enhancing in terms of the potential they represent you can’t help but thank your lucky stars.  On the 25th generous Jupiter arrives into the people angle of your chart for a year long stay.  You realise that changing people out was just a pre-cursor to the new ones coming in.



Prepare for lift-off.   May has a lot to offer in terms of new journeys, ventures and experiences.  Some of which come up unexpectedly like a pop-op which opens your eyes to something you’d never considered.  On the 20th the Sun arrives on your midheaven in Gemini and you’re being primed to showcase your talents and ‘live the life’.  As expansive Jupiter settles in here too for a full year starting on May 25th the opportunities will keep on coming……



The arrival of Mars into the relationship angle of your chart at the end of April for a six week stay suggests this is a season of full-on activities with significant others whether it’s for business or pleasure.   The energy between you is super-charged with Mars which you may experience as rather over-bearing but at least it gets things moving, even if sparks are flying that are both feisty and fun.  There are great opportunities in the air which require you to be confident and decisive.



May delivers a big push in the relationship angle of your chart.  First a New Moon opening up new possibilities on the 8th followed by the twin turbo energies of Uranus and Jupiter as they connect with the Sun and Venus  between the 13th and 23rd.  Don’t be surprised if things turn on a dime, approaches are made and you have new opportunities to consider.   You need to be a free spirit in order to take full advantage of what’s coming up and at the very least be ready to embrace a radical change of direction.  On the 25th generous Jupiter moves into your zone of financial arrangements for a full 12 months – things are improving.    



Doing everything you can to enjoy the hours in your day is the message from May’s stars.  Look at what you’re doing with fresh eyes and focus on happiness in the present moment.   Your old ways are changing care of radical Uranus and now is the time to kick out any habits that do nothing for you.  Instead get ready to enter a prime time on the 25th when your fabulous ruling planet Jupiter enters the relationship zone of your chart for a full year.  The good bits will keep on coming……



What can you do to up level your happiness quotient and squeeze every ounce of joy out of May?  You’re so used to putting all your efforts into work but now is the time to focus on the feel-good-factor.  The universe is handing out some golden tickets over the course of the month.   They could be your passport to a liberation from an old way of being with a lot of love, creativity and playfulness written into the mix.   Look for the glimmers and turn them into a permanent glow!



It’s time to turn up the dial on your personal life and take advantage of cosmic opportunities to make some life-enhancing moves.  As Jupiter and Uranus are still working their magic in their meeting with the Sun and Venus you have everything to play for.  Yet you may surprise yourself on the 13th and 18th with a breakthrough that unsettles the old status quo.  One thing’s for sure you’re embracing the idea that nothing stays the same forever.  Everything you’re putting together is designed to move you into a new era of creative endeavour and the capacity to love and live more fully.



You’re on something of a point of no return regarding an old perspective, mindset or project.  What’s coming in seems far more exciting and stimulating and quite simply you are ready to make that change.  Things are opening up in ways you never thought possible.  Of course, all change is initially unsettling but you’re in a period of growth that will ultimately deliver far more in the way of personal happiness.


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