THE WEEK AHEAD: 2-8 February 2025
Jupiter is a golden glow above your head as he heads into direct motion and you’re aligning with your goals and aspirations. This sets things in motion for a fortunate flow of energy over the next four months. Think of all you appreciate and wish to bring into being.
THE MONTH AHEAD: February 2025
The month of February is topped and tailed by some special effects in the sign of Pisces. Venus and Neptune present a softening, an opening, an intuitive hit that opens up different doors of perception. Listen to the message as this is the last time they will meet in Pisces for 165 years. As Aquarius season is a time for you to tune into your inner self and Mars remains retrograde until the 24th there’s no need to hurry things up. Allow the universe to work its magic on your behalf. The final week of February brings together Mercury and Saturn in your sign for the utmost clarity in decision making. This is followed by a beautiful New Moon in your sign on the 28th and a rare line up of 5 out of 10 celestial bodies in Pisces- time to wish on a star (or la luna at the very least!)

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