THE WEEK AHEAD: 2-8 February 2025
It feels as if you’re getting lift-off as Jupiter enhances your prospects and knack of being in the right place at the right time. The ins and outs of partnership are going to be a big deal over the coming months in both a financial and personal sense. For now you can appreciate the value of what someone is offering you and how this can be developed.
THE MONTH AHEAD: February 2025
Clarifying issues that have been in the mist is going to be your big deal in February. Whether it’s with a significant other or you have found yourself a little lost. Besides, you want to fix all that has been hanging over you, especially around the Full Moon on the 12th. Other people are coming to the table whether personally or business-wise so there’s a lot of opportunity to start afresh or do the deal you’ve been hoping for.

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